Logo: Cremello TB Electrum


Electrum Racing Partnership 1


I wish to apply for .....share(s) @ £2675 each in Electrum Racing Partnership 1 ('The Partnership')

The Partnership are leasing the horses : 2012 filly ex Samba Beat and 2012 colt ex Muwasim.

Contact details of shareholder


Contacting Partners
During the lease period (12 months starting 1st January 2015) Electrum Racing management will communicate with Partners by email updates and a closed Facebook group. Where we need to contact partners urgently (such as a horse being declared) we will contact Partners by text message. Please CLEARLY state the email address and mobile number you wish us to use to communicate with you.

Email address:
Mobile number:

If you do not have access to email or mobile phone, the Partnership Manager, Leigh Ann Kerr will contact you by landline telephone.

Landline number:

Please tick one of the following:

I enclose a cheque for £2675 payable to 'Electrum Racing Partnership 1'                                 X

I have sent a payment of £2675 by BACS to Electrum Racing Partnership 1, Sort code: ............. Account number: ..............                                                                                            X

I would like to pay by 4 quarterly instalments of £670. I have enclosed a cheque/sent by BACS a payment of £670 and will make 3 further payments by Standing order                                   X

I would like to pay by monthly instalments. I have enclosed a cheque/sent by BACS a payment of £755 and will make a further 11 monthly payments of £175 by standing order                      X

Signed:.................................................................. Dated: ...................................................

Please complete and return this form to :

Leigh Ann Kerr, Electrum Racing, Keepers Cottage, Stable Lane, Vicarage Road, Bexley, Kent. DA5 2AW

Any questions please phone Leigh on 07752909887

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