Logo: Cremello TB Electrum


Semen booking form for ELECTRUM (USA)

Standing at

Shannon Leigh Stables

Name of Mare .................................................Age................
Sire ..................................
Dam ..............................
Breed .......................................................................
Passport/UELN number .......................................................................
Microchip number

Type of semen required ;
Chilled [ ] max, 3 doses per year
Frozen [ ] max, 2 doses per year
Name of inseminating vet ....................................................
Practice name .......................................................................
Address .......................................................................
Tel no’s .......................................................................

Is semen to be collected from Shannon Leigh  Stables? YES/NO

Delivery address

Stud Fee to Electrum as agreed, paid in full prior to collection payable to Ms L A Kerr 7040 2915 Barclays 20 06 72 Reference Electrum stud fee

Collection/Shipping Fee = £TBC

Please return the equitainer to the stud by normal post.
Any equitainers not returned within a week will be billed at a cost of £.00 TBC

The stud fee is on a No Foal Free Return basis.
Providing the mare has been scanned at 14 and 25 days and has been vaccinated for EHV 1-4 at 5, 7 and 9 months duration (Proof from vet will be required)
The stud fee is non refundable but we will offer a free return to anyone whose mare does not produce a Live foal (does not include twins missed at scanning) or was empty, for the following year only.
In all cases the collection fee and postage will be payable each time before semen is shipped.

I hearby accept and agree to the above terms and conditions and understand that all fees stated above are paid in full to Electrum's owner prior to shipping. In the case that I collect semen from Shannon  Leigh  Stables, I agree to settle all fees upon collection.

Name .......................................................................
Address .......................................................................
Telephone no’s ............................................................(home)

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