Logo: Cremello TB Electrum


Electrum landed at Stansted Airport on the 12th December 2007 at 6.30pm and we were lucky enough to see him walk down the ramp of the plane!

He was a very brave boy and even led his other little companion into the Border Inspection Post building where he stood patiently while the vet inspected him and we waited for his paperwork to be completed.

Special 'Thanks' go to Christina Cridge of The Equine Logistics Company for helping us get our special boy home and Mersant International LLC.
Also to Mike Isajewicz for safely transporting him to Kentucky for his quarantine and Millford Farm for looking after him while in quarantine.

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

Image: Cremello TB

The following photo's are of Electrums journey to Kentucky from Pennsylvania with Mike Isajewicz for quarantine.



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